7 way to make money and passive income online

Today we have brought information about 7 ways to make money and passive income online for you. With which you can earn money.

make money and passive income online

up works.com

This is a website. Where you can write article writing, video editing, app development, coding. And by which you can make money income.


You can insert any video on YouTube. If you get 4000 views and 1000 subscribers then you get a lot of income from youtube.


You can make income from 3 types in amazon. First AMAZONMTURK, AMAZONKINDLEPUBLISHING, and AMAZON ASSOCIATES PROGRAM. Here you can sell your goods to AMAZON. You can also sell and sell the product on YouTube.


Shutterstock stock is a website to sell and buy goods. It is headquartered in New York. It is an American provider of photography, stock footage, stock music, and editing tools. If you do good photography then you can give your photo here. will give you a commission.


If you like dogs, pets, ROVER is a very good platform that operates an online marketplace for people to buy and sell, including pet care, dog boarding, and dog walking. Rover.com is an American company. Rover.com was founded in 2011 in Seattle, Washington. You can also earn money by taking care of it.


If you are also interested in teaching, then you can make income by joining TakeLessons. It is headquartered in San Diego, California. Teklasen is an American venture-backed startup. It connects students locally and online, with pre-written music teachers, academic tutors, dance, acting, and foreign language instructors. U.S. near Has teachers in more than 2,800 cities.


Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services. The company provides a platform for freelancers to serve customers worldwide. Here you can make money by doing logo design, social media design, photo-editing, etc.

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